5 kilos, 5 weeks


Day Nine: Bloated, craving sugar...

Another sugar craving day... had some marshmallows... and a handful of other lollies but it wasn't a pig out I swear! I didn't eat my apple which was for the purpose of giving me a sweet hit. Note taken! Saw my new Personal Trainer this morning and he gave me a great programme of 9 exercises that are full body, each of them - I do 4 exercises, in a row, 1 set each, then move onto the next super-large set of 5 exercises, then do it all again. Because of the super-setting I also will get aerobic benefit out of it. Can't wait to do it in the morning. He also gave me the advice that if I was to do both resistance training and cardio in a row, do the resistance first, as it's proven that the body is more effective at burning fat in the period post workout... so it makes sense to capitalise on this and do cardio. I'll write up really soon what that programme is. It's late, and I need to get up earrrrrly to get to the gym!

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