5 kilos, 5 weeks


Day Twelve: BAD

I managed to believe many excuses that I made myself today. 1) I can't actually remember what the first excuse was, but it enabled me to ignore my gym plans this morning. 2) I had french toast for breakfast. Not on the menu. 3) I had a panini for lunch. Not on the menu either. 4) I had 2 glasses of vino after work with the gals and have a bottle to share with the boyfriend now... with dinner that is not on the menu either! I think I have officially gone off the rails!

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  • At 11:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey, don't panic my way of thinking is that if we were to try to absolutely diligently stick to this food & exercise plan, we would also have to write in a clause which states "and one must agree to give up having a life during this period"......um, wouldn't we go slightly mad, slightly stark raving mad if that was the case! Good on you for enjoying some nice food and wine, two good things about it.....(a) your body's metabolism will kick up a notch again and (b) you are finding ways to integrate this food plan into everyday life so that when the 5 weeks ends you'll know that you can continue to do it because it doesn't mean giving up the odd night of good food & wine! Ie it is learning to integrate it into a lifestyle!

  • At 5:27 PM , Blogger B said...

    Falling off the wagon happens. Happened to me the last two days as well. Went off LC and didn't visit the GYM either.

    Yet, bad days are going to occur. What's important is that you don't let a bad day turn into a bad week.

    With that in mind, tomorrow is a new day, and I am starting it off right with Yoga.

  • At 11:27 AM , Blogger 5kilos5weeks said...

    Very wise Barbara Lee - I do need to think about this so that I don't put the weight back on once I return to 'normal'. Something for me to consider when I am writing up next week's food plan!

  • At 3:56 PM , Blogger B said...

    If you like Crystal Light drinks, you might like their new sugar free lemonade candies. They're pretty good and cheap, around $1 for a package.

  • At 11:18 AM , Blogger 5kilos5weeks said...

    Thanks Bry :) I'm in NZ and I haven't heard of those, damn it! But thanks for the suggestion - i need something to replace the lollies I have been getting into!!


  • At 5:10 PM , Blogger B said...

    That's too bad on the Crystal light candies. Do you have many sugar free candies in NZ? Here in the States there are tons. However most taste horrible.

  • At 7:22 PM , Blogger 5kilos5weeks said...

    Probably... i must have a looksee, there must be something!


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